Punjabi baby boy names starting on T with meaning

TarandeepLamp of Redemption
TarandipLight Lamp of Redemption
TarangA Wave
TaranjeetWinner of Republic
TaranjitVictory over Bondage
TaranjotLight of Redemption
TaranpalProtector of Redemption
TaranveerBrother of Heaven
TaranvirWarrior of Redemption
TardeepDiva candle of Water
TariqMorning Star, Name of a Star
TarjeevLife of Redemption
TarlochanStar of Eyes
TarlokKing of Three Worlds
TarnbirWarrior of Redemption
TarndeepLamp of Redemption
Tarndeep-SinghA Small Lake
TarndipLight Lamp of Redemption
TarnjeetVictorious Saviour
TarnjitVictory over Bondage
TarnjotLight of Redemption
TarnpreetMade by the Pureness
TarntaranSwim Ferry across
TarnveerHeroic saviour
TarnvirHeroic Saviour
TaroonTie Connexion
TarounYouthful One Also Spelt as Tarun
TarsemReceived from Long Waiting
TarunSun, Young, Youth, Tender, Love
TarundeepLight of Sun, Young, Youth
TarunjeetVictory of the Youthfulness
TarunpalProtector of Youthfulness
TarunpreetLove for Youthfulness
TaruthSeeker of Source
TarzanWhite Skinned Person
TashKing of Heart
TashveenAmbitious Loveable
TasmaiUp to Him
TasneemA Fountain of Paradise
TasvirPicture Image
TatbirDeliberate truth
TatchetRemembering the Real
TatchetanOne who is Aware of the Real
TatgiaanKnowledge of Truth
TatjogUnion with the Real
TatramanOne who Cherishes Truth
TatrangImbued in the Colour of Truth
TatrasElixir of Truth
TatratanGem of Truth
TavinderGood Positive Energy
TawajjaKindness Favor
TazzCrown Shallow Ornamental Cup
TeeranBrave Wielder of the arrow
TeerathHoly Place
TegOne who Wields the Sword
TegbeerBrave and Fast
TeghHoly Place, Sacred Water
TegmeetSwords Lover
TegveerBright Warrior
TeijinderGod of grandeur
TejBright, Lustrous
TejaA Light Ray, Prowess
TejasSharpness, Brightness, Brilliance
TejasdeepSharp Light
TejashFull of Lighting Brightness
TejasmanSharpness Brightness
TejasvaSharp Bright
TejasvarBright Sharp
TejasvinSplendid, Powerful, Bright
TejasvirGlorious hero
TejaswiRadiant Personality
TridaxOne of Name of God
TrikalExisting in the Past
TrilochanOne with Three Eyes, Lord Shiva
TrimanWorshipped in three worlds
TrimannWorshipped in Three Worlds
TripalProtector of Three Worlds
TripatFulfil, The Holy Trinity
TripatjotSatisfying Light
TrishaanLord Krishna
TrishanKing of Joy Victory
TrishanbirCraving for Bravery
TrishandeepCraving Lamp
TrishanjeetVictory for Craving
TrishanjotLight of Craving
TrishanpreetLove for Craving
TrishneetGift of God
TrushalCuriosity Thirst Wish
TulsidasA Famous Saint
TulvarBlessed support
TusharWater Drops, Frost, Mist, Snow
TuvijatLord Indra
Sacrifice One who has Renounced
Embodiment of the beginning-less
TulvarBlessed support
TrishanpreetLove for craving
TrishanjotLight of craving
TrishanjeetVictory for craving
TrishandeepCraving lamp
TrishanbirCraving for bravery
TripatPleasant, The Moon
TripalProtector of three worlds
TribhawanKing of the three worlds
TribhavanKing of the three worlds
TirathraamSacred place of the Lord
ThirpremOne whose Love is steadfast
One of unwavering mind, One who finds rest in naam
ThirdhiaanMeditation on Lord unwaveringly
ThirbirA steadfast and brave warrior
ThirathReligious place
TheeranBrave, Wielder of the arrow
ThalraajKing, Master of the planet
ThaldeepLamp of the world
ThalbirHeroic fighter
ThalbhoopMaster of the planet
One whose support is the Lord master
ThakurtejGlory of the Lord master
ThakurpalPreserver of the Lord master
Remembering the Lord masters name
ThakurmeetFriend of the Lord master
ThakurjotLight of the Lord master
One who has won the Lord masters Love
ThakurchetRemembering the Lord master
TersemPerfect saviour
TelvinderAnointed of God in heaven
The embodiment of gods support
TekraamLords support
TekpreetSupporting Love
TekpalOne who protects the support
One who takes support of the lords name
TekmeetFriendly support
TekjitOne who wins lords support
TekjeetOne who wins lords support
TekdeepLamp which gives support
TejwantFull of splendour
TejpreetGlory of Love
TejpratapGlory and splendour
TejnaamGlory of the lords being
TejmaanGreat glory and honour
Glorious protection of God in heaven
TejinderjitOne who wins God of grandeur
God of grandeur, Splendor of God in heaven
TejdharamGlory of righteousness
TejdeepLamp of glory, Reign of glory
The glory of the brave one, Brave and splendour
TejasvirGlorious hero
TejasvarBright, Sharp
TeijinderGod of grandeur
TegvirBright, Heroic sword
TeghbahadurCourageous sword
TeghThe wielder of the sword
TegbirBright, Heroic sword
TeeranBrave, Wielder of the arrow
TawajjaKindness, Favor
One who reflects the ultimate truth
TatratanGem of truth
TatramanOne who cherishes truth
One absorbed in the ultimate truth
TatjogUnion with the real
TatbirDeliberate truth
TarvinderSalvation of God in heaven
TarunpreetLove for youthfulness
TarunpalProtector of youthfulness
TarunjeetVictory of the youthfulness
TarnveerHeroic saviour
TarntaranSwim, Ferry across
Three dimension, Cross over worldy desires
TaranvirWarrior of redemption
TaranpalProtector of redemption
TaranjeetVictorious saviour
Lamp of redemption, Swim, Ferry across
TaranbirWarrior of redemption
TapinderGod of devotion
TapanpreetLove for warmth
TapanpalProtector of warmth
TapanjotLight of warmth
TapanjitVictory of warmth
TapanbirBrave and warm
TanupreetExact Love
Tan - body & Deep - lamp light). body with light
TalveenImbued in colour
TakhatRoyal thorn, Master of empire
Of great fortune, Destiny, Fortune, Luck
TajinderpremLove for splendid God
TajinderpreetLove for splendid God
TajinderpalProtector of splendid God
TadbirAn effort; From Zafarnama
TajdaarSplendour; Crowned; Ruler; King
Tajinderbir Brave splendour of God
TajinderdeepSplendid light of God
Tajindermeet A splendid friend of God
TajinderpalProtector of splendid God
TajinderpreetLove for splendid God
Tajinderprem Love for splendid God
Of great fortune; Destiny; Fortune; Luck
Takhat Royal thorn; Master of empire
Talib The sender of truth; Student
TalveenImbued in colour
Tan - body & Deep - lamp light, body with light
TanmeetStrong; Loyal
Tanupreet Exact Love
Tanveer Enlightened; Rays of light
Tanvir Enlightened; Rays of light
Tapanbir Brave and warm
Tapanjit Victory of warmth
Tapanjot Light of warmth
TapanpalProtector of warmth
Tapanpreet Love for warmth
TapinderGod of devotion
Taranbir Warrior of redemption
The lamp of redemption; Swim; Ferry across
Taranjeet Victorious saviour
Taranjot Star
Taranpal Protector of redemption
Taranveer Brother of Heaven
TaranvirWarrior of redemption
Three dimensions; Cross over worldy desires
Tarntaran Swim; Ferry across
TarnveerHeroic saviour
TarsemGot After a Long Desire
Tarunjeet The victory of the youthfulness
Tarunpal Protector of youthfulness
TarunpreetLove for youthfulness
Taruth Seeker of Source
TarvinderThe salvation of God in heaven
Tatbir Deliberate truth
Tatjog Union with the real
One absorbed in the ultimate truth
Tatraman One who cherishes truth
Tatratan Gem of truth
One who reflects the ultimate truth
Tawajja Kindness; Favor
Teeran Brave; Wielder of the arrow
TegbirBright; Heroic sword
Tegh The wielder of the sword
TeghbahadurCourageous sword
TegvirBright; Heroic sword
Teijinder God of grandeur
Light; Lustrous; Power; Brilliance; Glory; Security
Tejasvar Bright; Sharp
TejasvirGlorious hero
The glory of the brave one; Brave and splendour
TejdeepThe lamp of glory; Reign of glory
Tejdharam Glory of righteousness
TejenderSource of Energy
Tejendra The Lord The Sun
God of grandeur; Splendor of God in heaven
Tejinderjit One who wins God of grandeur
Glorious protection of God in heaven
Tejmaan Great glory and honour
TejnaamThe glory of the Lord's being
Tejpal Protector of splendor; Quick
TejpratapGlory and splendour
TejpreetGlory of Love
Tejwant Full of splendour
Tekdeep The lamp which gives support
Tekjeet One who wins Lord's support
Tekjit One who wins lords support
Tekmeet Friendly support
One who takes the support of the Lord's name
Tekpal One who protects the support
TekpreetSupporting Love
Tekraam Lords support
The embodiment of gods support
Telvinder Anointed of God in Heaven
Tersem Perfect saviour
Thakurchet Remembering the Lord master
One who has won the Lord masters Love
Thakurjot Light of the Lord; Master
ThakurmeetA friend of the Lord; Master
Remembering the Lord master's name
ThakurpalPreserver of the Lord master
Thakurtej The glory of the Lord master
One whose support is the Lord master
Thalbhoop Master of the planet
ThalbirHeroic fighter
Thaldeep The lamp of the world
Thalraaj King; Master of the planet
TheeranBrave; Wielder of the arrow
ThirathReligious place
Thirbir A steadfast and brave warrior
ThirdhiaanMeditation on Lord unwaveringly
One of unwavering mind; One who finds rest in Naam
ThirpremOne whose love is steadfast
Tirath Sacred Place
TejpalProtector of light
TajveerBrave King
TakdeerOf great fortune
TakhatMaster of the empire
TalibThe seeker of Truth
TanishGold,Lord Shiva
TanvirEnlightened,Rays of light
TapanbirBrave and warm
TapanjitVictory of warmth
TapanjotLight of warmth
TapanpalProtector of warmth
TaranThe savior of all
TarandeepLamp of redemption
TaranjeetVictorious saviour
Victory over oppression,Bondage
TaranpalProtector of redemption
TarnveerHeroic saviour
TaranvirWarrior of redemption
TariqMorning Star
TaruthSeeker of Source
TarunSun,Lord Ganesha
TarunpreetLove for Youthfulness
TarunpalOne who Portects Youth
TarvinderGod's salvation in heaven
TatbirDeliberate truth
The one absorbed in Truth, in God
TatratanGem of truth
TavleenEngrossed in God
The brave warrior wielding the sword
TeghThe wielder of the sword
TegvirBright Heroic sword
TeijinderGod of grandeur
TejbirThe glory of the brave one
TejdeepLamp of Brilliance
TejinderGod of grandeur
TejmaanGreat glory and honour
Protector of light, Intense glory, Splendour
TejpreetGrace of Care
TejwantFull of splendour
One who takes support of the Divine Light
One who takes support of the Lord's Name
The embodiment of God's support
One who has won the Lord Master's Love
ThalbirThe brave warrior
TheeranBrave,Wielder of the arrow
TirathSacred Place
TribhavanKing of the three worlds
TrilochanLord Shiva
TrishanKing of Joy
One worshipped in the three worlds
TripalProtector of three worlds
TripatPleasant The Moon