Punjabi baby boy names starting on B with Meaning

BujiA nick loving name
BudhroopEmbodiment of wisdom
BudhpreetLove of wisdom
BudhjotLight of wisdom
BudhjeetVictory for wisdom
BrinderLord of ocean
BrahmvirGods warrior
BrahmtekSupport of God
BrahmpalProtected by the Lord
BrahmleenAbsorbed in Love of God
BrahmjotOne in union with God
BrahmjogUnion with the Lord
BrahamleenAbsorbed in God
BrahamjeetTriumph of the God
The world winner, The conqueror
BishanpalRaised by God
BisanpreetLove of God
BirwantFull of strength and bravery
BirpremLove for braves
Heroic protector, Protector of the brave
BirjotLight of the brave
BirjeetVictory of the brave
BirinderKing of warriors
BirindarThe brave God
BirbhoopBrave king
BirapaarWarrior and limitless courage
BirakaalEternally brave
BiradolBrave and unwavering
BipinjotLighted forest
BinpaulForster of modesty
BinderBrave leader
An intimate particle of the God of heaven
BimalpalPreserver of purity
BimaljotPure light
BilawalHappy, God like
BijulFlashes of lightning
BibinanakiLady of maternal family
BhupinderpalPreserved by God
BhupinderThe king of kings
BhinderpalProtected by the God of heaven
BhavpremLove for the world
BhavpalLord, The worlds protector
BhavneetMoral of the world
BhavmeetFriend of the world
BhavleenEngrossed in the world
Temple shrine of the God of heaven
One who swims across the dreadful world ocean
BhavdeepLamp of the world
BhavanjotSoothing light
BhavandeepTemple lamp
One who is content, Full to the brim
BhajraamRemembering the Lord
BhajneetOne who always loves the Lord
BhajneekAbsorbed in the Love of God
BhajnaamRemembering the Love of God
BhaghwinderDevotion to the God of heaven
BhagatveerThe brave devotee of God
BeantpalFoster of immeasurable
Without end - infinity, Used to refer to the supreme being
BarminderGods given beauty
BarindraLord of the ocean
BarinderLord of the ocean
BanspalFosterer of descendant
BansmeetFriendly descendant
BanpaulFosterer of forest
BanmeetFriend of forest
BanjotLight of forest
BanjeetLord of the forest
BaninderWord of the God of heaven
BalwinderGod of force, Strong
Strong soldier, Powerful and brave
BalvinderGod of force, Strong
BalvanPowerful and mighty
BaltejOne with glorious might
BalrajStrong, King
BalpreetMighty Love
BalmohanOne who is attractive
BalmeetPowerful friend, Mighty friend
BalkarMighty creator
BaljiwanLife with strength
Mighty victorious' href='Boy-Names-for-Meaning-victorious.aspx'>victorious, Might victor
BaljinderOne who cares for others
Mighty victorious' href='Boy-Names-for-Meaning-victorious.aspx'>victorious, Might victor
Lord Krishna, Strong and powerful God
BaliharSacrifice, Devotion
BalhaarSurrounded by strength
BaldeepCreative and idealistic
God like in power, Another name of Balram
BalbhagFortunate and powerful
BalbeerMighty and brave, Strong
BalaknathChild master
BaksheeshDivine blessing
BakhsheeshThe blessed one
Falcon; Music; To play An instrument; Eagle
BabaljeetFull with Love
BableenImbued in lord's name
BachanbirBrave; Who keeps his promise
Wounderous merits; A person with wondrous merits; Wise one
BaghinderTiger; King
BahadarOne who is brave and corageous
BahadurjitThe victory of the brave
BakhsheeshThe blessed one
BaksheeshDivine blessing
BalaknathChild master
BalbeerMighty and brave; Strong
BalbhagFortunate and powerful
BalbirMighty and brave; Strong
God like in power, Another name of Balram
BaldeepCreative and idealistic
God like in power, Another name of Balram
BalhaarSurrounded by strength
BaliharSacrifice; Devotion
Lord Krishna; Strong and powerful God
Mighty victorious.aspx'>victorious; Mighty victor
BaljinderOne who cares for others
Mighty victorious.aspx'>victorious; Mighty victor
BaljiwanLife with strength
BalkarMighty creator
BalmeetPowerful friend; Mighty friend
BalmohanOne who is attractive
BalpreetMighty Love
BalrajStrong; King
BaltejOne with glorious might
BalvanPowerful and mighty
BalvinderGod of force; Strong
Strong soldier; Powerful and brave
Of immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might
BalwinderGod of force; Strong
BaninderWord of the God of Heaven
BanjeetLord of the forest
BanjotLight of forest
BanmeetFriend of forest
BanpaulFosterer of forest
BansmeetFriendly descendant
BanspalFosterer of descendant
BarinderLord of the ocean
BarindraLord of the ocean
BarminderGod have given beauty
Without end - infinity; Used to refer to the supreme being
BeantpalFoster of immeasurable
BhagatDevotee; Disciple
BhagatveerThe brave devotee of God
BhaghwinderDevotion to the God of heaven
BhajnaamRemembering the Love of God
BhajneekAbsorbed in the Love of God
BhajneetOne who always loves the Lord
BhajraamRemembering the Lord
One who is content; Full to the brim
BhavandeepTemple lamp
BhavanjotSoothing light
BhavdeepThe lamp of the world
One who swims across the dreadful world ocean
Temple shrine of the God of heaven
BhavleenEngrossed in the world
BhavmeetA friend of the world
BhavneetMoral of the world
BhavpalLord; The worlds protector
BhavpremLove for the world
BhinderpalProtected by the God of heaven
BhupinderThe king of kings
BhupinderpalPreserved by God
BibinanakiLady of maternal family
BijulFlashes of lightning
BilawalHappy; God like
BimaljotPure light
BimalpalPreserver of purity
An intimate particle of the God of Heaven
BinderBrave leader
BinpaulForster of modesty
BipinjotLighted forest
BiradolBrave and unwavering
BirakaalEternally brave
BirapaarWarrior and limitless courage
BirbhoopBrave king
BirindarThe brave God
BirinderKing of warriors
BirjeetA victory of the brave
BirjotLight of the brave
Heroic protector; Protector of the brave
BirpremLove for braves
BirwantFull of strength and bravery
BisanpreetLove of God
BishanpalRaised by God
BishmeetGreat friend
BismeetBrave; Happy
The world winner; The conqueror
BrahamjeetTriumph of the God
BrahamleenAbsorbed in God
BrahmjogUnion with the Lord
BrahmjotOne in union with God
BrahmleenAbsorbed in Love of God
BrahmpalProtected by the Lord
BrahmtekSupport of God
BrahmvirGod's warrior
BrijenderLord of Brij, Krishna
BrijodhSuper Strong
BrinderLord of ocean
BudhjeetVictory for wisdom
BudhjotLight of wisdom
BudhpreetLove of wisdom
BudhroopEmbodiment of wisdom
BujiA nick loving name
BishwaThe Whole World
BishwajitVictory of World
BishwjitVictory of the World
BismaadWondrous Lord
BismanBlack Dark Blue
BismeetBrave and Happy
BiswajeetWin the World
BiswajitWorld Chimpion
BiswamitraName of Saint
BiswarupLord Vishnu
BituA Sweet Name
BobBright, Form of Robert
BobanpreetGod Gifted
BobbyBright Fame
BodhKnowledge, Intelligent
BodhiAwakened, Wise, Enlightening
BodhpreetLove for the Learned One
BoopeshKing of the Earth
BootaPlant of Healing
BrahamSupreme God
BrahamdevSupreme God Highest God
BrahamjeetGods Triumph
BrahamjotOne in Union with God
BrahamleenAbsorbed in God
BrahampreetLove for the Supreme God
BrahamsarupIn the Likeness of God
BrahmbhagatDevotee of God
BrahmchetRemaining Aware of God
BrahmdevGods exalted angel
BrahmjeetVictory of God
BrahmjogUnion with the Lord
BrahmleenAbsorbed in Gods Love
BrahmpalProtected by the Lord
BrahmprakashLight of the Lord
BrahmroopGod-like Person
BrahmsroopGod-like Appearance
BrahmtekSupport of God
BrahmvirGods warrior
BrajpalLord Krishna
BramhCreator The God Lord
BrijPlace of Lord Krishna
BrijenderSikh Dance
BrijeshLord Krishna, Lord Shiva
BrijodhSuper Strong
BrijpalLord Krishna
BrinderLord of Ocean
BudhTo Know
BudhjeetVictory for Wisdom
BudhjotLight of Wisdom
BudhleenAbsorbed in Wisdom
BudhprakashLight of the Intellect
BudhpreetLove of Wisdom
BudhroopEmbodiment of Wisdom
BujiA nick loving name
BuksisAlternate of Bakshish
BullahGod Name Poet
BulwinderPowerful King
BundeshWater Drop A Dew Salutation
BuntyJoy Winner Love
BupinderThe King of Kings
BuvaneshEarth Universe
BuvdeepGod of All