Punjabi baby boy names starting on G with meaning

GyanveerBrave and divine in knowledge
Knowledge, One having exalted divine knowledge
Embodiment of divine light, Embodiment of divine knowledge
GyanpremLove of knowledge
One who loves the divine knowledge
GyanjotFlame of knowledge
GyanjeetVictory of knowledge
GyanenderLord of knowledge
GurzailGurus province
GurwinderPart of Guru
GurvinderPart of Guru
GurvichaarReflections on Gurbani
GurveerWarrior of the Guru
GurveenGurus grace
GurvaidDivine knowledge
GurutejShine of God
Remembrance of the enlightener
GurushanGurus Shan
GurupremBeloved of the enlightener
Remembrance of the enlighteners name
GurunaamName of the enlightener
GurumandirTemple of the enlightener
GurukarCreative enlightener
GurugunVirtuous enlightener
GurugulzarGarden of the enlightener
GurudeepLamp of the Guru
GurudattaGift of he enlightener
GurudarshanVision of the enlightener
Servant to the enlightener, Servant of the Guru
GurubirHeroic enlightener
GurtejGrandeur of Guru
One for whom Guru is the holy place
One who is saved through the Guru
GurswroopPortrait of Guru
GursuratRemaining aware of Guru
GursonAgree in anything
GursimrahRemembering the Guru
GursimarRemembrance of Guru
Attaining peace through the word Guru
Gurus splendor, His banishment, The change of pilgrimage
GurshabadAbsorbed in gurus word
Gurus splendor, His banishment, The change of pilgrimage
GursewakServant of Guru
GursevakServant of Guru
GursevGurus service
GurseesHead of Guru
GurseeratSoul of God
GursandeepThe gurus shining lamp
GurpremLove of Guru, Gurus beloved
GurpreetamBeloved Guru
GurpartapBlesing of God
GurpalProtected by the Guru
GurnyamGurus justice
GurniwaazGifted by God
GurnishaanSign of Guru
GurnirmalHoly like Guru
GurniranjanImmaculate like Guru
GurnidhGurus treasure
GurnekA noble servant of God
GurnaadCelestial music from Guru
GurmustakGurus forehead
GurmukhnihalFull of piety
GurmohinderLord Guru
GurmohanGurus sweetheart
GurminderLord Guru
GurmejGurus place of rest
GurmeharBlessings of Guru
GurmantarIncantation of Guru
GurmaherBlessed by Guru
GurmaanHeart of the Guru
GurlochanEyes coloured with gurus vision
GurlalBeloved of Guru, Gurus darling
GurlaalBeloved of Guru, Gurus darling
GurkurbaanOne who is a sacrifice unto Guru
GurkirpalOne blessed by Guru
One who sings praises of the Guru
One who sings praises of the Guru
Lotus of the Guru submitted by Aman Singh)
GurjuCheeky and bright
GurjotGuru light
GurjogUnion with Guru
One who lives a life as ordianed by Guru, Gurus way of life
Victory of the Guru, Triumph of the Guru
GurjinderTriumph of Guru
One who lives a life as ordianed by Guru, Gurus way of life
GurjanpalProtector of Guru
GuriqbalGlory of the Guru
GurinderveerBrave as Guru
GurinderpalPreserver of Guru
GurinderjeetGurus victory
GurharpalProtector of Guru
GurdweepLight from the Guru
GurditOne born with gurus blessing
GurdishLord Guru, Gurus sight
GurdialOne blessed with gurus grace
GurdeeshLord Guru, Gurus sight
GabbySound of God Hero of God
GadinLord Krishna Ganesha
GaffarMost Forgiving
GaganSky Heaven Lord Shiva Murugan
GagandeepA lamp in the sky
GagandipLight of the Sky
GaganinderLord of Sky
GaganjeetVictor of the Sky
GaganjeevSky living
GaganjitVictor of the Sky
GaganjotLight of the Sky Heavens light
GaganjyotLight of the Sky
GaganmeetFriend of Sky
GaganpreetLove of the heavenly Sky
GaggiSon of Sky
GagneshSon of Lord Shiva
GaihargambhirUnfathomable and profound
GajanThunder To Roar
GajendrThe King of Elephants
GajinderOk type person
GajpalLord Ganesha
GajraajThe Lord
Observation, Progressive, Journey
GanakAn Astrologer Mathematician
GanapatLord Ganesha
GaneshThe Legend, Lord
GaneshaSon of Lord Shiva and Parvati
GanevePriceless wealth
GanikaaA Dancer
GanpatLord Ganesha
GanrajKingdom of Disciplined
GaribnivajOne who fosters the poor
GarryMighty with a Spear, Spear
GarudaEagle, Falcon
GarvikProud, Smartness, Attitude
GarvitTo be Proud of, Feels Proud
GatleenMerged in freedom
GatnamLiberated through Naam
GatnirmalLiberated through holiness
GatnivaasDwelling in a liberated realm
GatsangatLiberation through company
Liberated by taking shelter of Guru
GauraavProud Dignity Pride Honour
GaurangFair Complexioned
GaurankA Fair One Fair Complexioned
GauravdeepLight of glory
GauravvPride Honour
GautamLord Buddha
GautumName of a Rishi
GavyWhite Falcon Rock
GunpaalOne with Disciplined
GunpalOne who Keeps Disciplined
GunpreetThe lover of excellences
GunraajExcellent Kingdom
GunrajExcellent Kingdom
GunshaantPeaceful excellence
Crown of Goodness Humbleness
GuntajCrown of Good Character
GuntasTreasure of excellence
GuntassTreasure of Excellence
GuntejFull of Talent
GunuPositive Thinking
GunvichaarReflections on excellence
GunvirVirtuous and Brave
GunwantGood Pride, Virtuous
GurGod Young Lion Teacher
GuraikOne Guru for All
GuramanLord of God
Immortal by the Grace of the Guru
GuranshA Part of Teacher
GurbaajHawk of Guru Gobind Singh
GurbaazBird of Guru
GurbachanOne who abides by Gurus Word
GurbajA Hawk of Guru, Sent by God
GurbakhshBlessed with Gurus Grace
GurbaniVoice of God
GurbansOne Born from Guru
GurbaxGift of Guru
GurbazBird of Guru
GurbirWarrior of Guru
GurbkshMeritorious Virtuous
GurbuxBlessed by God
One who takes shelter in Gurus Lotus Feet
GurdaatGift of Guru God
GurdasOne who is the slave of the Guru
GurdaveLord of Lords
One blessed with the Gurus Grace
Lamp of the Guru Lamp of the teacher Enlightened by the teacher
GurdevAlmighty God
GurdishLord Guru
GurditaGiven by Guru Gift of Guru
GurdittaOne born with Gurus blessing
GurdyalCompassionate Guru
GureetTradition of Guru
GurekamLight of Guru
GurhetOne who is in Love with the Guru
GurikkGod is One
GurjabHelper of God
GurjapMeditation of God
GurjasFame of Lord
GurjeetOne winning the Gurus heart
One who lives a life as ordianed by Guru
GurjindNice Dearer of Guru
GurjitTriumph of the Guru
GurjodhWarrior of Guru
GurjogUnion with Guru
GurjotLight of Guru
One who sings praises of the Guru
GurkeetSinger of Praises for the Guru
GurkiranThe ray of Gurus light
GurkirtOne who Follow Guru
GurkritFame Glory of Guru
GurlaalBeloved of Guru
GurlabhGift from God
GurlalSon of Guru
GurleenOne who is absorbed in the Guru
GurlivAbsorbed in Guru
GurloveLove of God
GurmaanHeart of the Guru
GurmailA Mail Sent by Gur
GurmanLord of God, Heart of God
GurmelUnion with Guru
GurmitFriend of Guru
GurnajProud of Guru
GurnamName of the Guru Teacher
GurnazProud of Guru
GurnekNoble Servant of Guru
Lesson or Moral Taught by the Guru
GurnurLight of God Guru
GurpajGod Sent Obstinate
GurpalProtected by the Guru
GurrajKing to All Teachers
GurranBlessing of God
GaganSky; Heaven; Atmosphere
GagandeepLight of the Sky
GagandipLight of the Sky
GaganinderLord of Sky
GaganjeetVictor of the Sky
GaganjeevSky living
GaganjitVictor of the Sky
GaganjotLight of the Sky; Heavens light
GaganjyotLight of the Sky
GaganmeetFriend of Sky
GaganpreetLove of the heavenly sky
GaihargambhirUnfathomable and profound
GajinderOk type person
GanevePriceless wealth
GaribnivajOne who fosters the poor
GatnamLiberated through Naam
GatnirmalLiberated through holiness
GatnivaasDwelling in a liberated realm
GatsangatLiberation through company
Liberated by taking shelter of Guru
GauravdeepLight of glory
GeetSong; Poem; Chant
GeetinderKings lyrics
GhamandjeetVictory of pride
GhamandjotLight of pride
GhamandpalProtector of pride
GhamandpremLove for pride
One who realises the home within
One who meditates on the real home within
One having exalted divine knowledge; Wisdom
GiaandeepThe lamp of divine knowledge
One absorbed in divine light and knowledge
An embodiment of divine light; Embodiment of divine knowledge
GiaanveerBrave and divine in knowledge
One having exalted divine knowledge; Wisdom
GianbhagatDevotee for divine knowledge
GianbirBrave and knowledgeable
Conscious through divine knowledge
Conscious through divine knowledge
GiandeepA lamp of divine knowledge
GiandhiaanAbsorbed in divine knowledge
GiangeetSongs of divine knowledge
GianinderKing of knowledge
GianjasIn praise of divine knowledge
GianjeetVictory of knowledge
GianjeevanA life full of divine knowledge
GianjogUnion through divine knowledge
GianjotLight of knowledge
One absorbed in divine light and knowledge
GianmeetFriend of knowledge
GianrangImbued with divine knowledge
GianratanGerms of divine knowledge
An embodiment of divine light; Embodiment of divine knowledge
Having exalted divine knowledge
GianveerBrave and divine in knowledge
GianvichaarReflecting on divine knowledge
GobinderLord of the king
GobinderjeetThe victory of the Lord
GobinderjotLight of the Lord
GobindraiGodly Prince
GopalpreetLove for the Lord
GuldeepRose lamp
GulshanbirBrave in the rose garden
GulshandeepThe lamp of the rose garden
GulshanjeetA victory of the Rose garden
GulshanjotLight of the rose garden
GulshanmeetFriendly with the Rose garden
GulshanpreetLove of the rose garden
An embodiment of the rose garden
GulveerSweet brother
GulwantBeautiful like flowers
GulwantpreetLove for the beautiful flowers
Rosegarden; Inhabited town; Flourishing
GunaatamThe excellence of the soul
GunbirVirtuous and brave
GundaatBlessed with virtues
GundeepLamp of excellences
Knower of virtues; Talented; Excellent; Virtuous
GuneetpaulPreserver of excellence
GuneetveerExcellent warrior
GuneetwantMost excellent
GungeetSong of virtues
GunjasPraise of excellence
GunjeevanA life full of virtue
GunjogUnion with virtue
GunjotLight of excellence
GunkarOne full of excellences
One who sings excellence of God
GunpreetThe lover of excellences
GunraajExcellent kingdom
GunshaantPeaceful excellence
GunvichaarReflections on excellence
GunvinderKing of virtues
GunvirVirtuous and brave
GurYoung lion
GuramanPeace through the Guru
Immortal by the grace of the Guru
GurbakhshBlessed with Guru's grace
GurbakhshisOne who has Guru's blessing
GurbakshBlessed by the Guru
GurbaldevStrength of Guru
GurbaliharSacrifice unto Guru
GurbaxGurus gift
GurbhagatA devotee of the Guru
GurbhajanSongs of Guru
GurbinderPart of Guru
GurbirWarrior of Guru; Guru's hero
GurcharanThe feet of the Guru
GurcharanjotLight of the feet of Guru
One who remains aware of Guru's word
GurdaasGurus slave
GurdaatGift of Guru
GurdamanGurus skirt
GurdarshanGurus vision
GurdasGurus slave
GurdeepThe lamp of the Guru
GurdeeshLord Guru; Gurus sight
GurdialOne blessed with Guru's grace
GurdishLord Guru; Gurus sight
GurditOne born with Guru's blessing
GurdweepLight from the Guru
GurharpalProtector of Guru
GurinderjeetGurus victory
GurinderpalPreserver of Guru
GurinderveerBrave as Guru
GuriqbalThe glory of the Guru
GurjanpalProtector of Guru
GurjasFame of Lord
One who lives a life as ordained by Guru; Gurus way of life
GurjinderTriumph of Guru
The victory of the Guru; Triumph of the Guru
One who lives a life as ordained by Guru; Gurus way of life
GurjogUnion with Guru
GurjotGuru light
GurjuCheeky and bright
Lotus of the Guru (submitted by Aman Singh)
One who sings praises of the Guru
One who sings praises of the Guru
GurkirpalOne blessed by Guru
GurkurbaanOne who is a sacrifice unto Guru
GurlaalBeloved of Guru; Gurus darling
GurlalBeloved of Guru; Gurus darling
GurlochanEyes coloured with Guru's vision
GurmaanHeart of the Guru
GurmaherBlessed by Guru
GurmanHeart of the Guru
GurmantarIncantation of Guru
GurmeetA friend of the Guru
GurmeharBlessings of Guru
GurmejGurus place of rest
GurminderLord Guru
GurmohanGurus sweetheart
GurmohinderLord Guru
GurmukhPious Man
GurmukhnihalFull of loyalty
GurmustakGurus forehead
GurnaadCelestial music from Guru
GurnamName of a Guru
GurnekA noble servant of God
GurnidhGurus treasure
GurniranjanImmaculate like Guru
GurnirmalHoly like Guru
GurnishaanSign of Guru
GurniwaazGifted by God
GurnyamGurus justice
GurpalProtected by the Guru
GurpartapBlesing of God
GurpreetamBeloved Guru
GurpreetiLove of Guru
GurpremLove of Guru; Gurus beloved
GursandeepThe Guru's shining lamp
GurseeratSoul of God
GurseesHead of Guru
GursevGurus service
GursevakServant of Guru
GursewakServant of Guru
Guru's splendor; His banishment; The change of pilgrimage
GurshabadAbsorbed in Guru's word
Guru's splendor; His banishment; The change of pilgrimage
Attaining peace through the word Guru
GursharanRefuge at the Guru
GursimarRemembrance of Guru
GursimrahRemembering the Guru
GursonAgree in anything
GursuratRemaining aware of Guru
GurswroopPortrait of Guru
One who is saved through the Guru
One for whom Guru is the holy place
GurtejGrandeur of Guru
GuruTeacher; Master; Priest
GurubachanThe voice of the Guru
GurubirHeroic enlightener
Servant to the enlightener; Servant of the Guru