Punjabi baby boy names starting on D with Meaning

God of Courage, Lord of the Brave
DheerniranjanSteadfast in Holiness
DheiryaPatience, Rest, Mind, Study
DhevarajKing of Gods
DhiaanMeditation, Concentrate
DhianMeditation Contemplation
DhianjogUnion with Meditation
DhianpreetLove for Meditation
Brave Absorbed in Contemplation
DhimaheeWord from Mantra Sloka
DhirajPatience Consolation Emperor
DhirajbirSteadfast and Brave
DhirajpalPreserver of Patience
DhirajpreetLover of Patience
DhirajwantFull of Patience
DhirenOne who is Strong
DhirendraLord of the Brave Courageous
DhramThe Righteous Religious Person
DhrishitCourageous Fearless Heroic
DhrishivImage of Lord Shiva
DhritContained, Firm, Ready
DhrubaCertain Eternal
DhrumilThe Great, Imminent, King, Star
DhruvThe Polar Star, Constant
DhruveshThe Star Lord Krishna
DhruvishStar Constant Firm
DhruvitTo Observe, Happy
DhruvyanshPart of Star
DhruvyuvraajPolar Star Prince
DhruyanshPart of Star
DhurandharA Leader
DhvanikLord of Sound
DhwanikLord of Sound
DhwanishSound Melody Voice
DhyaanAbsorbed in Contemplation
DhyeyAim Goal Target Mission
DhyeyaAim Target
DianA Candle From God of Wine
DibakarSun Ray of Light
DieepLight, A Lamp
DigpaalKing of Direction
DigpalProtector of All Directions
DigvijayBiggest Victory, Triumph
DikhshitInitiated into a Religious Order
DikshikBlessing Giver
DikshitInitiated into a Religious Order
DilanLoving, Son of Waves, Faithful
DilaverOne with Brave Heart
DilawarBrave, Hearty, Daring, Bold
DilawerBold Brave Courageous
DilbaagThe one with a blossoming heart
DilbagGarden of Heart
DilbeerBrave Heart
DilbinderRuler of Harts
DilbirBeloved Friendly
DildarLover, Beloved, Friend, Charming
DildeepLight of Heart
DileapDefender of the City of Delhi
DileepKing of the Solar Race
DileswarMerciful God of Love
DilipA King An Ancestor of Lord Rama
DiljeetWinner of Hearts
DiljeevCourageous Live
DiljinderLove of Inder God
DiljitVictory of Heart
Diljot-SinghLight of the Heart
DilkashanAttractive Captivating
DilkushHappy Person Happy Heart
DillHeart Lots of Love
DillanFaithful Loyal Form of Dillon
DillbagGarden of Heart
DilleswarLord of Heart
DillipA King Ancestor of Lord Rama
DillzanPride of Heart
DilmeetFriend of Heart
DilmohanPure Heart
DilmohitImpression of Heart
DilpreetLoving Heart Heart Full of Love
DilraajHearty Kingdom King of Heart
DilrajKing of Love King of Hearts
DilreetHearty Traditions
DilsamraatHeart with Brightness
DilsamratKing of Heart Mighty
DilshaanGlory of Heart
DilshanRuler of Hearts Prestigious
DilsherLion Heart
DiltajKing of Heart
DilvanshdeepPart of Heart
DilvirHero of the Team
Merciful Kind to the Poor Humble
DineshThe Lord of Sun, God of the Day
DipCandle Light
DipakCandle Light Lamp
DipamLight Lamp
DipanLight Loder of Lord Shiva
DipankarOne who Lights Lamps
DipanshuRay of Light Sun
DipansuRelated to God
DipeshLord of Light The Sun Light
DipinderRadiant God
DipooLight, One who Enlightens, Flame
DipuFlame, Light, Shining
DisaiSeems to be
DishapaulProtector of Direction
DishapreetLover of Direction
DivakarOne who Lights Up the World
DivanshGod Gift Bright A Light
DivayarajBright Kingdom King
DivendraFull of Light Brightness
DivijMaster of Direction
DivjotDivine light
DivjyotDivine Light
DivkaranThe First Ray of Sunlight Pure
DivrajDivine Right of King
DivsimarOne who Remembers God
DivyFull of Light Light-able
DivyaDivine Transcendental
DivyamA Part of Divine Pure Talented
DivyanceFull of Light
DivyansPart of Divine God
DivyanshPart of Lord, Holy Piece
DivyanshuThe Sun, Ray of Light
DivyendraPart of Divine
DivyeshThe Lamp of Sun, Sun
DivynEnlightened, Divine, Brilliant
DixarthGod Gift Given by God
DixeshLord Shiva
DiyyanLamp Divine Light
DolatRich Money
DoulatWealth Money Rich
DravidLord of the Land, Wealthy
DrishantBrightness, A Rishi
DruvaA Star Name Son of God
DruvanthCreater Name of Star
DruvishLord Vishnu Shiva
DugguLord Vishnu
DulaBrave and Courageous
DularaLoved One
DumenLife of Being
DupinderRadiant Lord
DupinderjitVictory of the Radiant Lord
DuralabhRare Difficult to Attain
DurdharDifficult to Withstand
DurgeshKing, Ruler, Lord of Forts, Star
DushanjGreat Love
DushtadamanDestroyer of Enemy
DushyantDestroyer of Evil
DushyanthName of a King, Peace
DusiyantDestroyer of Evil
DyalMerciful Kind
From a Large Sea, Winner of Mind
Dalbinder Army of God in heaven
DalbinderjitVictorious army of God in heaven
Dalbir Soldier
Brave; Valiant; Daring; Fearless; Bold
Dalgeet Team songs
The conqueror of forces; Victorious army
Daljinder Army of God in heaven
The conqueror of forces; Victorious army
Daljodh Team fighter
Dalpreet Teams Love
Dalraj Army of the king
Dalvinder Army of God in heaven
Damanjeet Victory over suppression
Damanjit Victory over suppression
Damanjot Light of suppression
Damoder Lord Vishnu
Danmeet One who is friendly with charity
Darbjot Light of wealth
Darminder The door of the God of Heaven
DarpreetLove for God's door
Darshanbir The vision of exalted bravery
Darshpreet The Love for Lord Krishna
Davinderpreet Love of the deity of heaven
Dayadeep Lamp of compassion
DayajeetCompassionate victory
Dayajot Light of compassion
DayaljotLight of mercy
Dayapreet Lover of compassion
Dayawant Full of kindness
The protector of the helpless; The Sun
Deenprem Love for the helpless
DeentekA supporter of the helpless
DeepinderLight of the God
Deepjot Lamp flame
DeepleenAbsorbed in the lamp
DevatmaDeity incarnate
Devendar King of lords
DevendraKing of Gods, Lord Indra
DevjeetTriumph of the God
Devjot Godly light
Devpreet Love for God
Dhanjeet Wealth
Dhanjot Light of wealth
Dhanmeet One who is friendly with charity
Dhanwant Lucky; Fortunate
Dharam Religion; Law religious
Dharamdeep Lamp of religion
Dharamdev God of faith
Light of righteousness and virtues
Dharamleen One absorbed in righteousness
Dharampal The supporter of righteousness
DharampreetLove of faith
Dharamsheel Holy
Dharmender Lord of Dharma
DharmjotLight of religious
Dharmpal Protector of religion
DharmtatHoly one full of virtue
DharvanA winner
DhianjogUnion with meditation
DhianjotEnlightened by meditation
Digpal Protector of all directions
Dilbaag Heart blossom
Blossoming heart; Lionhearted; Tiger
Blossoming heart; Lionhearted; Tiger
DilchanannSpiritual illumination of the heart
DiljeetVictory of heart
Diljeev Courageous live
DiljitVictory of heart
DiljotLight of the heart
Dilmeet Friend of heart
Dilneet Ethical heart; Moral soul
Dilpreet Loving heart
Hearty kingdom; Ruler of the heart
Dilreet Hearty traditions
Dilshaan Glory of heart
Dilsher Lion's heart
Dilvinder Heart of God in Heaven
Divleen Divine
Remover of sorrow and suffering